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Exporting a MySQL query as CSV

I found this snippet on StackOverflow a long time ago and have been thankfully using a slightly tweaked version of it ever since. It exports the result of a database query to a CSV file, straight from the commandline:

mysql -u <user> -p<password> <database_name> -e "SELECT * FROM users" -B | sed "s/'/\'/;s/\t/\",\"/g;s/^/\"/;s/$/\"/;s/\\\n/\n/g;s/\\\t/\t/g" > export.csv

The result is a CSV file that opens just fine in LibreOffice, which you can then use to convert it to an Excel file as needed.

Breaking it down 

First, we connect to the database like we normally would:

mysql -u <user> -p<password> <database_name>

We then use -e to execute the given query directly. -B causes the query output to be tab-separated instead of the normal table layout, as well as escaping special characters like \t and \n:

-e "SELECT * FROM users" -B

Finally, we use sed to convert the output to a proper CSV file:

s/'/\'/         Escape all single quotes
s/\t/\",\"/     Replace all tabs with `","`
s/^/\"/         Add a `"` to the start of each line
s/$/\"/         Add a `"` to the end of each line
s/\\\n/\n/g     MySQL escapes \n in the output, so replace them again
s/\\\t/\t/g     Idem for \t

An alternative way to go about would be to use MySQL’s INTO OUTFILE, but this requires specific permissions.

Tags: MySQL, SQL